
Market insights on industry, leadership, Lincoln news and career advice.

  • What Abraham Lincoln Can Teach Us About Leadership

    Ten years ago, I was traveling in the US and you can’t avoid the name Lincoln as you drive around Washington and New York.  At the time I was also thinking of names for a new business venture and while there were several original names or created ones, Lincoln kept popping to the top of…

  • PRESS RELEASE: Last call for entries to prestigious Irish Early Career Awards

    Deadline extended by a week to cater for increased level of interest this year  IRELAND- The deadline for entry to the Lincoln Recruitment Irish Early Career Awards in association with KBC Bank Ireland has been extended until the 30th of September. Enthusiastic young professionals from all industries stretching from marketing to finance and digital can…

  • Launch: The Lincoln Recruitment Irish Early Career Awards 2018

    This September we are delighted to announce our continued support and title sponsorship of the Lincoln Recruitment Irish Early Career Awards 2018. With nominations now open we invite you to get involved by nominating Ireland’s young talented professionals across multiple professional services sectors. With the entry deadline set for September 21st, there’s plenty of time to apply, nominate…

  • Why Some Big Companies Are Calling Their Remote Workers Back into the Office

    Don’t get too comfortable in your home office. Amongst the trends likely to grow in the business place of 2018, remote working seems a concept becoming ever more established and prevalent across the majority of sectors. With the technology available today, in some cases it’s often feasible (and even convenient) for employees to work from…

  • 5 Benefits of Hiring a Human Resource Officer for your Organisation

    Most businesses realise that their employees are deep-rooted in their success. For this reason, business owners are more focused on meeting the demands of their employees and equipping them to do their job successfully. However, business owners often wear too many hats, which prevents them from tending to their employees’ needs. This is why hiring a…

  • Is your mood getting in the way of success?

    Do you think that the mood you have at work makes any difference?  Most people would agree that a person’s professional appearance includes their disposition, so being obviously sad or angry at work is never good. Some would also agree that if a person keeps their outward appearance in check, they are doing their job…

  • New Appointment – Warren Hilton

      Lincoln Recruitment Specialists are pleased to announce the appointment of Warren Hilton as a Head of Banking & Capital Markets Recruitment at Lincoln. <img class=”lazy lazy-hidden size-full wp-image-15897 alignright” src=”″ data-lazy-type=”image” data-src=”” alt=”Christine McCarthy” width=”214″ height=”214″ srcset=”” data-srcset=” 214w, 150w” sizes=”(max-width: 214px) 100vw, 214px” data-recalc-dims=”1″ /><img class=”size-full wp-image-15897 alignright” src=”×1.trans.gif” alt=”Christine McCarthy” width=”214″ height=”214″…

  • Career Management in a Buoyant Compliance Market

    Whether you are a graduate considering a move in to Compliance or a Compliance professional with 15 years’ experience, managing the trajectory of your CV and making the right career decisions can be a difficult task. It is plain to see that we are in the middle of a very buoyant compliance market; making the…

  • What to expect from Consulting in Ireland

    Ireland has a long history of exporting talent to the world, with some of its brightest minds seeking opportunity and experiences in pastures new. But with the Irish economy booming, and unemployment at a post-crash low, combined with increasing uncertainty as a result of factors such as Brexit, many people, Irish and non-Irish alike, are…

  • Navigating a Mid-Career Crisis to Professional and Personal Success

    Changing your profession mid-career doesn’t have to be a crisis. There are times where it seems like it is impossible to continue in the same career path that you chose, and which you once felt certain would see you through to retirement. Different types of reasons can lead a person into not feeling like they have…


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