Market insights on industry, leadership, Lincoln news and career advice.
Our Picks: Top Networking Events this June
We have selected our top networking events for June. With the sunshine out, it’s the perfect opportunity for you to get out of the office and explore the networking events on offer this month. IBA Broker Market Day Over 50 suppliers operating in the Irish market will be available to answer broker questions…
Lincoln Proud Sponsors of the Irish Early Career Awards 2017
Lincoln Recruitment will team up again with Bank of Ireland to be joint title sponsor of the Irish Early Career Awards 2017. The Irish Early Career Awards provides an important opportunity to recognise and showcase high achieving young professionals as they progress on their career journey. Nominations will open in June for young professionals under…
Congratulations to the Irish Law Awards 2017 Winners
We would like to say big congratulations and well done to the Irish Law Awards Best Dublin Law Firm 2017 winner; Reddy Charlton Solicitors (pictured below with John Macklin of Lincoln Recruitment). Held annually, the Irish Law Awards took place last Friday May 12th at the DoubleTree by Hilton and recognises excellence in Irish law and the Irish legal…
Lincoln – Proud Sponsor of the Irish Law Awards ‘Dublin Law Firm of the Year’ 2017
Lincoln Recruitment Specialists are delighted to continue our sponsorship of the Irish Law Awards Dublin Law Firm of the Year Award for 2017. The Dublin Law Firm of the Year Award honors an outstanding firm of solicitors (based in Dublin City or County) who are accepted as having demonstrated an exceptional achievement or achievements in the law in…
Career Steps: How to change sector
Most people are fairly relaxedabout changing jobs. But what about leaving not just your employer but your industry? As anyone with a few years’ professional experience will attest, it is not always easy to move from one sector to another even when you feel that you have covered all of the responsibilities in the…
Management Consulting: Customer and Digital skills at the Forefront of Demand
In the world of consulting the adage of the customer is always right is something of a paradox as livelihoods are made on the basis that the customer is in need of improvement. The recent demand for advisory skills helping clients on their customer agenda looks set to offer consultancies both massive opportunities and interesting…
Our picks: Top 5 Networking Events this May
We have selected our top 5 networking events for May. With major industry leaders taking part in events next month, this is the perfect opportunity to explore and develop both career and business opportunities. Digital Workplace Ireland Conference 2017 The Digital Workplace Ireland Conference 2017 will feature talks and presentations from Europe’s leading experts…
Ireland’s Top 10 Influential Women in Business – See who makes our list
To mark International Women’s Day we’d like to celebrate Irish women who are doing amazing things both at home and abroad. We bring you our list of the top 10 talented Irish and Ireland-based women, all of whom are shaping Ireland’s future. These 10 women are not only accomplished business leaders from a diverse set…
Ten Ways to Keep Your Top Performing Employees on Your Payroll
Star employees are the building blocks for your company’s future success. They possess the experience, attitude, knowledge, and problem-solving skills that make them standouts at the office and within their fields of specialty. Developing strategies to retain your best employees is vital because your top talent provides the stability and expertise that helps separate your company from the competition.…
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