
Market insights on industry, leadership, Lincoln news and career advice.

  • AI and the Workforce: Looking Forward

    Artificial intelligence has been making its way into the economy for decades. From assembly line robots all the way down to Redbox DVD rentals, functions once fulfilled by human workers have been taken over by automated processes. In employment terms, many employees tasked with routine jobs have been replaced by a few charged with keeping…

  • Statement regarding the process for the appointment of the next Árd Stiúrthóir / Director General of the GAA

    For the full statement regarding the process for the appointment of the next Árd Stiúrthóir / Director General of the GAA please see the following link: Further details on the role are available here.    

  • Returning Home for Christmas?

    As the countdown to Christmas continues, many people will have loved ones who have emigrated in the past, returning to home shores. Whilst this is a happy experience, the holidays go quickly and December excitement and joy can be replaced to some degree of sorrow when January arrives and many professionals look to return overseas to go…

  • 7 Ways to Train your Brain to Become a Better Leader

    According to the Workplace Trends’ Global Workforce Leadership survey, almost half of the employers who took part noted that leadership is the hardest skill to find in employees. While this may be hard to believe,  talent alone is not enough to be a great leader, this skill must be developed and you need to have the…

  • 6 Reasons Why Irish Employees are Choosing Startups over Corporate Roles

    In the modern work place, startups have become increasingly popular for Irish employees, with many, especially skilled talent, being drawn to them. In a recent survey almost 70pc of Irish workers stated that they would like to work in a small to medium-size enterprise (SME) or a startup, with respondents believing that startups and SMEs…

  • Our picks: Top Networking Events in October

    We have made a short list of our top picks of networking events taking place this October. There is plenty of choice for all with events focusing on HR, Digital, Business Growth and Technology.  DisruptHR Dublin DisruptHR Dublin believes that the way employers have approached people and talent in the past, will not be how…

  • Survey Results: What is your Morning Routine & Strategy?

    How you wake up in the morning and what you do with your time before work can really set the productivity tone for the rest of the day. That’s why it’s so important to have a positive morning routine that works for you. Successful people across differing industries such as marketing guru Seth Godin, basketball player…

  • Taoiseach Launches Lincoln Sponsored Irish Early Career Awards 2017

      An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, Des Cahill, alongside Paul Flynn and Shay Dalton of Lincoln Recruitment, and Wim Wim Verbraeken Chief Executive KBC Bank Ireland, pictured at the launch of the Irish Early Career Awards 2017, are urging employers and young professionals to leap into action this September to nominate an Irish Early Career Achiever. These…

  • Our picks: Top Networking Events in September

    We have made a short list of our top picks of networking events taking place this September. With the holiday season coming to an end, September is jam-packed with interesting events that will help you keep up to date with what’s happening in the Irish market.  Grant Thornton 5k A great event to enter and…

  • July Question of the Month Results: What are Irish Professionals Reading?

    The summer months are an opportune time for professionals to take time out, reflect, and many look to expand their knowledge with books that will keep them occupied during this period. The difficult task is often finding the books that will resonate with professionals and motivate them to aim higher. So what books are Irish…


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