
Market insights on industry, leadership, Lincoln news and career advice.

  • How Accountancy is adapting to the Digital Revolution

    Over the past couple of months, technological innovation has undergone rapid change within all industries, including that of Accountancy. In turn, this has meant that businesses have needed to reassess the ways they carry out their Business as Usual activities and their general way of working. Adapting to technological change is now a massive part…

  • The continued rise and success of the Irish Fintech market in 2020

    2020 is, has been and is set to continue to be a challenging and disruptive time across most sectors and industries. However, within the area of Fintech, there has been a continued rise in terms of financial activity and investment going on within the sector. According to recent figures from multinational professional services network KPMG,…

  • How HR departments are adapting to the new ways of work

    It goes without saying that professionals across all areas of business, regardless of the discipline or industry has had to adapt to new ways of working and operating as a result of the pandemic. None of these more so than those working within HR. With the digital transformation of recent years, those working within HR…

  • Software Engineering Trends in 2020 – Market Update

    As we come towards the end of Q3, it is a useful time to reflect on and observe the key trends and skills which have come to the forefront so far in 2020 within the software engineering sector. Ireland has established a thriving technology scene for itself in recent years – so much so that…

  • Your Job Search amid Covid-19: Tips & Actions to Consider

    Ireland’s unemployment rate stood at 4.8 percent in February 2020, compared with 5.0 percent in the corresponding month of 2019 (source). Now, over four months on, it’s difficult to quantify how many people face unemployment. So, if you are now job hunting amid Covid-19 here are a number of tips and actions to keep in…

  • How to optimise your recruitment process amid COVID-19

    How to optimise your recruitment process amid COVID-19 During these unprecedented times, recruitment and selection is still a priority for organisations to try to maintain revenue and growth targets. While the business environment is certainly much more challenging, the COVID-19 crisis will pass. Firms that are positioned with the best talent during these times and…

  • Project & Change Recruitment Market Update – April 2020

    Project & Change Recruitment Market Update – April 2020 The PMO (employment related to Change and Transformation projects) market would appear to have come to a halt for the most part currently. However, some sectors will remain afloat, such as Healthcare and Regulatory projects within Financial services, whereby certain regulations must be in place by…

  • Maintaining your mental health when working in isolation

    Working From Home: The Mental Health Impact As we’re all very aware, the current coronavirus crisis has led to a massive increase in home working. However, while this is essential to ensure adherence to vital social distancing, it brings with it the psychological toll of isolation. Add in the fact that this very different workspace…

  • Covid-19 – A message to our clients and candidates – Lincoln Recruitment

    Lincoln Recruitment Covid-19 Update We are taking this opportunity to keep you updated on the measures Lincoln Recruitment is taking to ensure the safety of our people and the delivery of our service. As you know, this is an ever-evolving situation without business precedence, however, we are well-prepared with robust measures in place to protect our service delivery while remaining flexible…

  • Is Your Next Job A Poisoned Chalice? How to Assess the Job on Offer

    Does Fortune Really Favour the Brave and Bold? The Latin proverb indicates that fortune favours the brave and bold, but when it comes to your career how much of a risk are you prepared to take? High profile candidates often enjoy a corporate buffet of prospects, job offers placed squarely on the table that could…


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