Author: Emma Morrissey

  • How to Calculate Your Daily Rate as a Contractor in Ireland


    How to Calculate Your Daily Rate as a Contractor in Ireland More and more companies are turning towards contractors in 2020 to undertake specific projects and/or to provide extra qualified resources during busy periods. Contracting offers great opportunities for skills development, better pay, flexibility in how and when you work, and greater career control. As… Read more

  • The Art of Being Head-Hunted


    The shape of the labour market has shifted significantly over the years. Once upon a time professionals and executives would deliberate long and hard over their next career move, before seeking out potentially interesting opportunities. Nowadays the typical professional is more likely to move jobs every 3-5 years, and job opportunities are far greater than… Read more

  • How to write a CV and cover letter that work

    “You only get one chance to make a first impression”. It’s an old saying but it’s true nonetheless and even more so in the area of job applications. Many people see writing a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and cover letter as something of an administrative chore but successful job seekers know that this is the first… Read more

  • How to Unearth Top Digital Talent in a Rapidly Evolving World

    As enterprises strive to keep up with the current digital transformation, recruiting the best talent that makes this technology work is the biggest challenge for most companies. Technologies such as Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, big data and analytics, and the Internet of Things are increasingly becoming part of critical operations in organisations, but the workers capable… Read more