Author: Eddie Farrell

  • Technology Q1 2024 Market Update


    General Observations The technology job market in Ireland during the first quarter of 2024 has shown promising signs of recovery compared to the previous year. The technology sector remains resilient despite external uncertainties, demonstrating its importance to the Irish economy. Companies are increasingly focusing on digital transformation initiatives, driving demand for professionals with expertise in… Read more

  • How to work successfully alongside a Recruiter


    Looking for your next role can be a stressful and often overwhelming experience. That’s where recruitment agencies such as ourselves tend to come in to act as a partner in your talent search. While you may enlist our help, some people may be naïve to the world of recruitment, and so don’t know how best… Read more

  • 3 Irish Women in STEM

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    To mark International Women’s Day 2021, we would like to take the chance to highlight some Irish women who are paving the way in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Of course, there are many names we could mention in this piece, but the following five have really stood out to us over the past… Read more

  • Software Engineering Trends in 2020 – Market Update


    As we come towards the end of Q3, it is a useful time to reflect on and observe the key trends and skills which have come to the forefront so far in 2020 within the software engineering sector. Ireland has established a thriving technology scene for itself in recent years – so much so that… Read more

  • Event Summary: Women in AI Ireland and global Law firm DLA Piper discuss “Ethically Driven AI Design”

    Over the last decade, artificial intelligence has become increasingly more sophisticated and successful in carrying out tasks previously thought only humans could do. Its applications such as recommendation systems, advanced search algorithms, image processing and facial recognition, are rapidly transforming businesses and whole industries such as healthcare, agriculture, transportation, and many more. Since the 1960s,… Read more

  • Adminovate 2020 Event Highlights

    On Thursday, January 16th 2020, Trinity College played host once again to the 3rd annual Adminovate conference. Adminovate is an event created to showcase innovation in people, processes and technology across the Funds industry. It proved to be a hugely successful day in what was Adminovates biggest turnout yet. The opening panel discussed ‘Operating Strategies… Read more