
Market insights on industry, leadership, Lincoln news and career advice.

  • How to Calculate Your Daily Rate as a Contractor in Ireland

    How to Calculate Your Daily Rate as a Contractor in Ireland More and more companies are turning towards contractors to undertake specific projects and/or to provide extra qualified resources during busy periods. Contracting offers great opportunities for skills development, better pay, flexibility in how and when you work, and greater career control. As a recruiter,…

  • How To Resign Correctly: 5 Unwritten Rules

    Are you planning on leaving a job in the near future? Make sure you consider how you plan to resign from your job. Doing it the wrong way can lead to bad feelings between you and your employer, recriminations or even a bad reference. On the other side, correct resignation etiquette will contribute to continued…

  • Why should you use a legal recruiter?

    Your choice of a recruiter — and the way you manage the process — will have a profound impact on your short-term and long-term opportunities. How well you work with your legal recruiter will directly influence how successful the legal recruiter is in working with you. Here are some reasons why you should choose to…

  • 4 Changes You Can Make to Speed Up Your Hiring Process

    Professionals are more in the driving seat today than ever before when it comes to choosing their next career move and the company they wish to work for. This is a concern for many employers as they strive to safeguard their high performers and continue to face stark talent shortages. Therefore, it is imperative that…

  • Gender Diversity in Ireland’s Legal Sector

    Female solicitors now outnumber male solicitors The movement to increase the diversity in law and provide a more equitable balance between females to males is an on-going international movement. Ireland, however, shows the most conspicuous change. According to Irish, females now make up about 52% of the Irish solicitor workforce. At the end of…

  • How to Achieve Peak Performance

    What does it mean for a person to function at their peak? Peak performance means that all basic needs are met so the mind and body are nourished, which allows for the highest level of success. It’s about long-term, consistent, and sustainable growth. Often, peak performance is a term used in the athletics world. Athletes…

  • How to Prepare for Video Interviews – The Ultimate Guide

    The Rise of The Video Interview Job interviews have traditionally involved diligent interviewers sitting across from anxious-looking candidates. Terse handshakes are exchanged before the interviewer fires off question after question to find the perfect person for the job. In an age of powerful technology, it’s no longer necessary or practical to bring candidates to you…

  • The Power of the Subconscious Mind

    We spend most of our time on autopilot. Everything we do, from breathing to walking, to eating and having a conversation, occurs automatically as a way for our brain to preserve energy for what it considers more important tasks. This is the subconscious mind at work. Freud developed the 3-level model of the mind, which is…

  • 5 Ways for Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace

      As an organisational leader, you already know that addressing difficult situations with colleagues and subordinates is part of your job. But when it comes to conflict in the workplace, dealing with duelling employees is never easy. That said there are ways to approach difficult conversations directly and efficiently. Here are 5 ways for dealing with…

  • How to use Google Alerts in your Job Search

        The internet is flooded with content. In fact, nearly 30 million pages of information, and indeed misinformation, are added to the web on a daily basis. With so much content it can be difficult to break through the noise to the key topics and information that are most important to you. Using Google Alerts…


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