The Art of Networking with Kingsley Aikins

“The Number 1 skill I think in being a great networker is to be a good listener. We live in a world where most people don’t listen. Most people think that listening is a sign of weakness, a sign of not being an expert, a sign of not knowing what’s going on and the most powerful thing to be as a communicator is to be a talker and it’s just not true…” Kingsley Aikins, CEO of The Networking Institute speaking with Lawrence Vesey, Partner at Sia Partners on The Art of Networking on Tuesday July 30th.

This morning session was run by Lincoln Recruitment Specialists and Sia Partners as part of the build up to The Lincoln Recruitment Irish Early Career Awards. The event was kindly hosted by The Early Career Awards venue partner The Church Café Bar. Attendees ranged from Early Career Award nominees, judges and many of Sia Partners early career consultants.

During the conversation Kingsley highlighted the importance of investing time and effort in forging lasting, meaningful professional relationships.

He also spoke about how your personal brand “is about 3 things: your expertise, how good are you at what you do. It’s about your experience, what have you done and it’s about social proof of those things.”

And finally Kingsley referenced Harvey Coleman’s PIE Model Theory. In this model, P represents performance, according to this theory how well you do your job contributes only 10% towards your career progress. I stands for Image which represents 30% and E represents exposure which has the largest impact of 60% on your career progress. Kingsley offered tips and techniques to improve all three elements of the model.

The Lincoln Recruitment Irish Early Career nomination window is now closed and interviews have now begun throughout the 13 categories. We would like to thank all of those for attending this session and wish nominees the very best of luck!

Shortlistees will be announced in September so watch this space…

Event Sponsors:
Lincoln Recruitment Specialists, Sia Partners, Darta Saving Life Assurance dac and PAT Business School

Venue Partners:
Royal Irish Academy of Music – RIAM and The Church Café Bar

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