Should I Take The Job? 5 Key Questions to Help you Decide

Should I stay or should I go?

You’ve been through the extensive interview process, and have been anxiously awaiting the outcome. You feel the interview went well, but nothing’s a given in today’s job market. To your delight, you are offered the role, but your glee is soon replaced by hesitancy – do you definitely want to take this job?

”A new job is like a blank book and you are the author” – Unknown

You start to think about your career, questioning whether or not this is a good move. You wonder if the role is fitting for you, if you will be happy and if you’re doing the right thing by leaving your current position.

As recruitment specialists, we give career advice on a daily basis. Whether or not a role is “right” for an individual is hard for us to answer with any certainty. It is a very personal decision with a plethora of different factors to take into account.

After over a decade of advising both clients and candidates, we have come up with five key questions that we feel provide a sound basis for either accepting or rejecting a job offer:

  1. Do I like my potential employers and people?
  2. Will I add value to the role and the company?
  3. Are there opportunities for growth and development?
  4. Does the salary and perks align with my expectations?
  5. Does the move feel right?


1.Do I Like My Potential Employers and Colleagues?

When an employer interviews for a role they will be looking for a candidate who has the right skills and aptitude to do the job well. But it’s not all about experience and qualifications, employers are also seeking someone who will be a ‘good fit’ for the company. They are often looking for a personable individual, with good communication skills and the ability to work well as part of a team. So, if you’ve been offered the job, the chances are the employer can see those qualities in you.

However, this is a two-way street, do you feel that you’re a good fit for the company? Do you think you will get along with your new colleagues and be able to effectively co-operate with your new supervisor and management team? Although you won’t get the opportunity to meet everyone, and see every aspect of your new workplace, you should be able to get a feel for the place. A positive atmosphere generally indicates a positive working environment and if it feels right, this could be the place for you.


2.Will I Add Value to The Role and The Company?

When you’re new you can’t help but feel slightly judged – you may get a sense that all eyes are upon you and that your fellow employees are waiting to see what you can bring to the table. We all like to feel appreciated and when you start a new job it’s important you feel you have plenty to contribute.

Before you decide whether or not to take the role, spend some time getting to grips with the expectations of your employers. Are you being hired to oversee a certain area or project? Do your new employers want you to make improvements or push through change?

You need to feel that you can take on the challenges that are ahead of you and add value. Ask yourself if you can you make a positive impact. Will you be able to become an integral member of the team and offer all that is expected and more?


3.Are There Opportunities for Growth and Development?

Even if you have years of experience behind you and plenty of qualifications under your belt you should still embrace the opportunity to learn, develop and grow. Undertaking a new job will bring fresh challenges your way and should allow you to build your skillset. You need to decide how important the following factors are, and work out if your new role will provide you with the chance to:

  • Explore new places and cultures.
  • Meet new people and provide networking opportunities.
  • Undertake training, attend courses and learn new skills.
  • Progress further through promotion.

It’s always wise to keep moving throughout your career, complacency can become dull! That said, it’s good to get to a point where you feel comfortable and can really achieve positive results. Does this new role offer provide you with a stable, supportive base and the opportunity to learn and develop as and when you feel ready?

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4.Does the Salary Meet My Expectations & Are There Other Relevant Perks?

Only you can decide how important money is to you. For some it’s a deciding factor when choosing a career path and making a move to a new job. For others, it comes second to job satisfaction and creating the perfect work/life balance. That said, you need to earn enough to support your lifestyle and make sure the salary fits the job requirements. Other perks, such as a company car, bonus scheme, and health care plan often provide a sweetener that could help make up your mind too!

5.Does This Move Feel Right?

Sometimes you just have to go with your gut instincts. If everything looks great on paper, but there’s a niggling feeling that makes you think the job isn’t quite right, don’t ignore it. Try to figure out what it is that’s bothering you before you make up your mind.

That said, if you’re holding back because you are just nervous about stepping into the ‘unknown’ it could be time to find your courage and go for it. Review your answers to the questions one to four above. Did you answer in a positive way?

  • You feel you will get on well with your employers and colleagues.
  • You think you can add value to the role and company.
  • There are opportunities to grow and develop.
  • The salary and benefits meet your expectations.

If so, it could be time to make that call and say yes to the exciting opportunity that you’ve been offered.

Adrian Marples avatar
Head of Financial Services
+353 87 773 1191